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Take a walk, particularly a nature walk. That endeavor can help executives improve their cognitive skills, a recent guest posting with Suzi McAlpine's "The Art of Leadership Blog" asserts. The guest ...
Ratings firm AM Best said it expects that China's non-life insurance market will experience limited losses from the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. The analysts based their outlook on factors including ...
Singapore plans to include a broader range of climate change-related risks in a future stress test of its financial industry, a government minister said. The Monetary Authority of Singapore plans to ...
There are dozens of climate models, and for decades they've agreed on what it would take to heat the planet by about 3° Celsius. It's an outcome that would be disastrous—flooded cities, ...
Many global companies from hotels and airlines to industrial houses are expected to have to foot the bill for disruptions caused by a new coronavirus in China, with epidemics usually excluded from ...
Facebook Inc. is restricting employee travel to China, while other big companies including and Nissan Motor Co. and Starbucks Corp. are taking measures to shield employees in areas hardest hit by a ...
Sweeping cyberattacks targeting governments and other organizations in Europe and the Middle East are believed to be the work of hackers acting in the interests of the Turkish government, three ...
Australian insurers are well-capitalized and should be able to withstand losses from the 2019/2020 bushfire season, aided by strong capital positions and support from reinsurance partners, said AM ...
Sometimes silence can go a long way toward helping leaders support their teams. A recent posting with the Random Acts of Leadership blog argues that silence can actually be a very effective strategy ...
Zurich North America is the latest insurer to name a sustainability officer - an executive who leads corporate initiatives to help the company contribute positively to the environment. Ben Harper ...
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