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Since Lloyd's first announced the blueprint for its Future at Lloyd's project on Sept. 30, it has been busy working to get the ideas off the page and convert them into a set of actions that can be ...
Britain and the European Union must find a way to settle future differences over how Britain's huge finance industry can do business in the bloc without resorting to a "metaphorical punch-up," the ...
Access to the European Union market for Britain-based financial firms will be linked to the overall results of trade talks with London, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said on Monday. Britain and ...
As of Jan. 31, 2020, Brexit is finally here. But the UK's departure from the European Union shouldn't have any immediate impact on UK or EU insurers, A.M. Best said in its latest commentary. That ...
Lloyd's of London is expecting big things for 2020 as it rolls out the key initiatives for its massive modernization project designed make it easier to do business with Lloyd's and, ultimately, ...
Lloyd's developed the concept of a syndicate-in-a-box (SiaB) to make it easier for innovative capital to enter the market, but there are certain requirements and differences compared to traditional ...
Lloyd's of London said that Jon Hancock has decided to step down as performance management director in 2020. At the same time, Lloyd's also announced that Julia Tyson has been named chief human ...
A former Swiss Re executive is joining a unit of Liberty Mutual in a leadership role. Susan Burke will be Liberty Mutual Re's new vice president and director of Assumed Reinsurance in the division's ...
The Bank of England has stepped up its monitoring of Lloyd's of London's whistleblowing systems, the central bank said on Monday, after reports this year about sexual harassment and bullying at the ...
A senior lawyer who blew the whistle on alleged sexual harassment and bullying at a top Lloyd's of London insurance company is suing his employer for what he called a campaign of harassment, racial ...
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