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Inigo Ltd., the new London insurance group that has raised $800m in start-up capital from a group of blue chip global investors, announced that it has received approval in principle from the ...
Major insurance companies told the UK Supreme Court on Monday it was wrong to assume there could be unlimited cover during a pandemic in an appeal closely watched by thousands of British businesses ...
Lloyd's of London has dropped ambitious plans to set up its own electronic exchanges and will work with other existing platforms to speed up the underwriting process and cut costs, the commercial ...
The world's largest group of shipping insurers will not insure vessels involved in the Russian-led Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream gas pipeline projects because of the threat of U.S. sanctions. ...
Secondary perils, exacerbated by climate change, are driving catastrophe insurance losses, warn a growing chorus of reinsurers and brokers. Indeed, broker Aon reveals that more than 60% of 2020's ...
A discussion about the negotiations over Britain and the European Union's post-Brexit relationship has been dropped from the agenda of a meeting of EU envoys next week because the talks have stalled, ...
Here's some pandemic perspective: COVID-19-related claims were not the biggest driver of the North American P/C insurance industry's overall combined ratio during the first six months of 2020. ...
The Lloyd's market looks unlikely to turn an underwriting profit in 2020 given the pandemic and hurricane season. However, there a signs of improvement, according to analysts at S&P Global ...
Lloyd's announced the latest cohort of InsurTech startups that will join its Lloyd's Lab innovation accelerator program. Their focus will be on COVID-19 products and services. The InsurTechs will ...
"Black Swan" reinsurance schemes backed by governments could help businesses get insurance pay-outs after huge shocks such as the coronavirus pandemic, Lloyd's of London said. Commercial insurance ...
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