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Complete, unrestricted access to the popular website, which provides insurance company C-suite executives with daily news, white papers, advice, instruction and editorial on how to manage insurance companies more efficiently and more effectively. scored its sixth annual victory in the 24/7 Wall Street Customer Service Hall of Fame last year, with 59 percent of customers reporting that they received excellent customer service from ...
Firms that maintain political connections have an easier path through the merger process. In a study that is the first to examine the issue, we compare the differences in merger behavior and outcomes ...
The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) has selected four universities to receive the 2016 CAS University Award, an honor created to recognize schools doing exemplary work in preparing students for a ...
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s profit rose 8.2 percent in the first quarter as gains at manufacturing units and the investment portfolio overseen by Chairman Warren Buffett offset a slump at insurance ...
Net income plunged due to the declining value of its alternative investments, but AXIS Capital Holdings touted solid gains in its reinsurance and insurance segments alike during the 2016 first ...
Today's "always on" work culture is taking a heavy toll on leaders, but McKinsey & Co.'s Manish Chopra believes he has a solution: meditation. Leaders need to "observe more, react less," Chopra ...
American International Group Inc. abandoned the use of credit-default-swap spreads as a measure of long-term performance for its chief executive officer -- a partial victory for activist investor ...
With global M&A on the upswing in multiple industries, Mercer says it has identified a major risk on the rise: people who work for the companies involved in combining operations. "More than ever, ...
Zurich Insurance paid Martin Senn, its former CEO, 6.1 million Swiss francs ($6.3 million) during 2015, down from 7.2 million Swiss francs ($7.9 million) in 2014, the company reported. (The Swiss ...
Insurance operations contributed $4.9 billion to total operating income of $17.4 billion for Berkshire Hathaway in 2015, with underwriting profit levels dropping and investment income rising compared ...
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