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National insurers have produced higher returns on equity and lower combined ratios in recent years, according to our analysis of financial results (published in a companion article here). Drilling ...
Private U.S. property/casualty insurers lost big in 2016, with a $4.7 billion net underwriting loss driven, in part, by significantly higher catastrophe-related insured property losses, according to ...
Before he lost the confidence of big-name investors and his company's board members, Peter Hancock squandered the faith of many of his staff. It was November 2015, after a disappointing quarter for ...
Italy's biggest insurer Generali has hired BNP Paribas to sell its Dutch business as part of a plan to cut costs in weaker markets and boost profits, sources told Reuters. Generali, which generates ...
Although Australia's QBE reported its best underwriting results in six years, Group CEO John Neal was forced to field a barrage of questions during a media briefing about why the board decided to ...
Even though Berkshire Hathaway's GEICO chalked up an underwriting loss in the fourth-quarter 2016, with full-year profit coming in basically even with 2015, the company is poised to take advantage of ...
The difference between companies that deliver a great customer experience and those that deliver a below-average customer experience has always been clear regardless of the industry served. A great ...
Squandered work time can be expensive for companies, to the tune of $15.5 million on average, according to researchers from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and Ohio State. ...
We all know sleep deprivation takes a toll on our health, but what about the economic cost? New research from RAND Corp. shows that lack of sleep costs the U.S. economy $411 billion each ...
Zurich Insurance Group AG raised its target for cost cuts and dropped plans to eliminate jobs as Chief Executive Officer Mario Greco overhauls Switzerland's largest insurer. The shares rose. The new ...
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