Walls Between Life and Work Come Down

One of my team talked about resilience and courage being key words to describe the way our business has dealt with the new realities of a COVID-19 world. These are words I equate with the men and ...

Leading Through a Storm With No Clear End

I have heard a number of business leaders across the country discussing the early days of the COVID-19 response and their experience with continuing operations while protecting the health and safety ...

Creating Certainty: Now and in the Future

Companies don't have a choice about the timing and magnitude of a crisis like COVID-19. What will define a company is the choices leaders make from this point forward. How do we move beyond managing ...

Clarity Critical for Startups in Crisis

Personally, my experience at a startup in 2008 taught me that in times of disaster there is a huge premium on both capital and clarity. The capital you have available may be beyond your control based ...