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Confirmation bias is when a person seeks out new information to reinforce existing beliefs or theories, and good leaders would do well to avoid the practice. Instead, they should encourage their ...
How has the pandemic changed you personally? As a leader? How will it change your company? How should the industry plan to respond to future pandemics? Carrier Management asked carrier, reinsurance ...
You're either a fountain or a drain. Funny thing is, you're not born that way. It's a choice you make each day when you wake up. How do you tell which a person is? Take an inventory of how that ...
When it comes to helping employees balance work hours with relaxation, Acuity Insurance Chief Executive Officer Ben Salzmann has a unique tool at his disposal: a 65-foot Ferris wheel. Before the ...
What separates the best performing workplaces from those that remain middle-of-the-road? It's just one single word: productivity. The top-performing organizations all understand how to generate and ...
The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed the workplace, redefining what employees need to do their jobs safely and effectively. As business leaders shift their mindset from survival and resilience to ...
Responding to a Carrier Management call for executive viewpoints, industry leaders told us how the pandemic has changed them. In addition, they shared ideas about how the industry should plan for the ...
Insurer Zurich has decided not to renew cover for the Canadian government's Trans Mountain oil pipeline, said a spokeswoman for the project, which is opposed by environmental campaigners and some ...
If you asked business leaders at the beginning of March if they thought allowing staff to work from home was an efficient way to run a company, I bet the overwhelming majority would have said no. ...
From a personal perspective, the pandemic crisis has especially highlighted the importance of abiding by a driving purpose and core values. I have tried to function and act by our company's core ...
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