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A successful diversity and inclusion effort requires individuals throughout the organization to take personal accountability. That means a long-term investment from the C-suite, intentional efforts ...
This year has posed an unthinkable number of challenges, and it has me considering whether or not empathy can exist in insurance. How can we create a world where buying and using insurance isn't a ...
In the corporate world, some of us hold titles that automatically define us as a leader. However, if you need to use that title to be recognized as such, you will surely fail. Leadership is often ...
Companies need to stop paying lip service to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and actually take action to make it happen. That means investing time and resources into setting clear goals ...
If they want to make any real progress on diversity and inclusion, organizations need to "create a safe space" for people to have difficult conversations and find a way to demonstrate allyship. ...
When Scott Gunter contemplated making a move from being president of a commercial insurance division of Chubb to become chief executive officer of AXA XL, he felt the timing couldn't be better. AXA ...
Hemant Shah is experiencing those old feelings again: exhilaration combined with occasional doses of being overwhelmed. Shah, co-founder and former CEO of catastrophe modeling firm RMS, is in the ...
If you grew up in New York in the 1960s like I did, you witnessed a miracle. The New York Mets, a major league baseball team that had been known as the "lovable losers" for their entire existence, ...
We can easily meet our boss's deadlines. We can get to the airport with time to spare before our flight. We can submit the team report a day before it is due. And yet, many of us let the goals and ...
Back in 2015, Douglas Ver Mulm was co-founder of Vervoer Rideshare Fleet, which runs and manages rideshare vehicles in New York City—a side gig when he was a lawyer at Mercer handling data security ...
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