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Finances are a major source of stress for employees, affecting both their personal lives and their productivity at work, according to Morgan Stanley's inaugural State of the Workplace Financial ...
Over the last two years of the coronavirus pandemic, property/casualty insurers have been rigorously put to the test in multiple ways. According to Insurance Information Institute CEO Sean ...
Highly moral people might always "do the right thing" when it comes to speaking up about wrongdoings and problems in the workplace. But even people who lack that moral compass become more likely to ...
It may be time to upgrade the "golden rule." Rather than trying to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you," we should adopt the "platinum rule," advises a recent article from Advisor ...
Sompo International Holdings is partnering with a company that will help increase proactive management of its global casualty portfolio. Willis Towers Watson and a software partner will launch a new ...
Never before, or at least never in the modern era, has the world witnessed such an extraordinary level of risk and uncertainty. Although a cursory look at the news confirms this, in-depth surveys ...
Ron Glozman has always been a problem-solver, a good skill to have as a tech visionary creating companies that automate manual processes in the insurance industry. Once the business is launched, he's ...
The talent war is about to get fiercer thanks to "The Great Resignation." Millions of U.S. workers have quit their jobs, and research shows that nearly half of employees are actively looking to make ...
Do you remember the last handwritten note you received? Even more, do you remember the last handwritten note you sent? With our technologically enhanced communications, it is just so convenient to ...
The coronavirus pandemic is driving millions of Americans to retire early or quit their jobs in a reassessment of their lives, leaving corporate America struggling to fill open positions. Chubb ...
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