Experts who spoke to Carrier Management for the accompanying article are affiliated with technology companies that can assist defendants and their insurers.

NaVel by Schaefer City Technologies

Tyson is the chief business development officer of Schaefer City Technologies, an insurance technology company that, according to its website, uses predictive analytics embedded in insurance software and applies artificial intelligence directly to insurance claims to avoid runaway verdicts.

Schaefer City Technologies’ NaVel product matches the traits of nuclear verdicts to files to “determine the likelihood your case could go nuclear. Our NaVel software is the first-ever to provide an insurance claim prediction for Nuclear Verdicts,” the website said.

During his interview, Tyson shared that data and research show that nuclear verdicts are not just happening to new defense lawyers or insurance professionals.

“They’re happening to the most experienced defense lawyers and some of the most experienced insurance professionals,” he said. “They’re slipping through. They’re not seeing it. They’re not seeing the patterns.”

NaVel is designed to be a second set of eyes to alert adjusters when files need extra care. A portal also allows management to see all the files.


According to its website, SigmaSight was created “to help litigation claim professionals and defense counsel level the playing field. Powered by machine learning, generative AI, and advanced modeling, SigmaSight’s Suite of developing products will give defense teams the tools and information they need to respond.”

In his interview, CEO and Co-Founder John Burge said everything his company does is centered around negotiation.

SigmaSight offers a suite of negotiation solutions for litigated files. The company offers a data product that analyzes the risk of specific plaintiff attorneys and venues, machine learning-powered negotiation tools that analyze bargaining zones and walk-away values, and is developing generative AI tools that enable more effective negotiation conversations and offer package preparation.

Burge said that SigmaSight Negotiator, the company’s comprehensive solution, uses hard data and machine learning models to predict damages, probabilities and more. Burge described Negotiator as a system that enables attorneys to apply negotiation best practices to their work.