In today’s highly competitive job market, attracting the right talent is not just about money. It isn’t necessarily about offering flextime or office perks, either. For most would-be employees, choosing the right company is about finding deep, meaningful engagement. People want to do work that is interesting and purposeful. They value an organizational culture that places a premium on creativity, thought leadership, and innovation.

Executive Summary

During a competitive job market in which more value is being placed on organizational work culture and thought leadership, Tom Warden, chief insurance and science officer at CLARA Analytics, write about why innovation matters. He explains how insurers can use innovation to combat the effects of the Great Resignation and recruit and retain top talent.

What’s the alternative? Stagnation. Boredom. Slow decline. As Will Rogers famously said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

Companies that lack innovation are stuck managing the status quo. Employees naturally want to be part of a winning team. The best organizations in the world strive for continuous improvement. They generate new ideas. They are populated by creative innovators, not by mere managers.

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