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Ours is a competitive industry and in a changing world which has added online multi-carrier marketing, multi-distributional selling (including those who are competing directly with their own independent agents), and even direct writers with their own agencies selling non-direct writer policies, everyone is looking for the “secret sauce” to create separation from their competitors—and with it, success.

Executive Summary

Every company's "not so secret" sauce for growth and success is its staff and the right types of communication, writes Victor Ehre, a 45-plus year veteran of the P/C insurance industry. After explaining why product and price often aren't successful routes to creating separation from competitors, Ehre explains how leaders can make their employees understand their value and advocates the elimination of marketing, underwriting and claims silos within carrier operations.

Ours is a competitive industry and in a changing world which has added online multi-carrier marketing, multi-distributional selling (including those who are competing directly with their own independent agents), and even direct writers with their own agencies selling non-direct writer policies, everyone is looking for the “secret sauce” to create separation from their competitors—and with it, success.

Watch any football game and multiple times one announcer or another will reference the receiver’s attempt to create separation so as to improve the potential for a successful pass reception. Seeking advantages in sports may take the form of enhanced equipment (golf clubs, more aerodynamic bobsleds, speed skates with partially detaching blades, etc.), all in an effort to gain that separation which hopefully results in success. But, what about our industry?

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