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Executive Summary

After taking a "nuts-and-bolts" approach to learning about the company from the ground up, civil engineer-turned-insurance professional Andreas Kleiner has found product and claims expertise providing solid mechanics to build upon, as the company makes long-range plans for a business transformation with a clear eye toward a digital future.

That’s a phrase Andreas Kleiner may have spoken a number of times when he worked as a property risk engineer inspecting industrial risks for Munich Re Group during the early days of his insurance career in the 1990s in Germany.

Pursuing a designation as a civil engineer, an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute in the UK, and then an executive MBA in Financial Services and Insurance in later years would help to prepare him for executive roles he would ultimately take on in places as far east as Singapore and as far south as Sub Saharan Africa. But as the longtime Munich Re executive settles into his newest role—as chief executive officer of American Modern in the middle of the United States—the training of a risk engineer is still evident.

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