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The onset and continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic made everyone—property/casualty insurers included—respond quickly and reevaluate their priorities. Now, as global premiums rebound, insurers ...
Wildfire risk across the western United States has become a challenging issue for the insurance industry. Heightened risk and extreme events are squeezing carriers and devastating consumers. As a ...
Proper application of behavioral economics can improve take-up of flood insurance and narrow the protection gap. Sounds farfetched? Let's dig deeper. Behavioral economics is the study of psychology, ...
Defending lawsuits and managing trials is a major focus area and expense category for insurers—whether they are defending insureds against liability claims or defending themselves in coverage and ...
Over the last several years, businesses across all industries have been busy implementing digital strategies and fundamentally changing how they operate and deliver value to customers. Yet, digital ...
It takes a one-two punch to make insurance fair. I've previously argued that AI can vanquish bias in insurance, and so it can. But while machine learning can help ensure equality, it cannot ensure ...
Liability insurers frequently use exclusions to help address emerging risks that are viewed as unpredictable, intractable and potentially very large. It comes as no surprise, then, that the emergence ...
Even the most experienced insurance companies could not have prepared for COVID-19, leaving portfolios riddled with uncertainty for an indeterminate time. Perhaps no line of business has felt the ...
Like many people, Karen Clark's career was influenced by circumstances and serendipity rather than any advanced planning. When in graduate school she developed a love of building computer models, ...
2020 was a year of learning and innovation for those of us working in the field of insurance industry mergers and acquisitions. So far, it appears that 2021 will be another year of abundant ...
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