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Swiss insurer Baloise may be nearly 160 years old, but it is a company with its eye on the future of insurance, including embedded insurance. Sibylle Fischer, Director of Strategic Venturing and ...
During a session of the Casualty Actuarial Society Seminar on Reinsurance in June, Alexander Podmore, AVP and cyber underwriter for Swiss Re, defined a growing problem for cyber ...
While ransomware was the hot topic at 2021 midyear insurance industry conferences, discussions of the broader topic of systemic risk—spurred on by recent hacks of SolarWinds and Microsoft ...
The soaring price of lumber was one of the hottest topics on the lips of industry executives speaking at midyear conferences, becoming a focus of discussion almost as often as cyber risks and social ...
Trov may be the only InsurTech that began its existence with less than six degrees of separation from the likes of Barbra Streisand and Steven Spielberg. Early business plan pitches brought the ...
The most popular password in 2020 was exposed almost 24 million times and took less than a second to crack. While a shocking statistic, when you learn that the most popular password of 2020 was ...
A smaller company being acquired by a larger one is often compared to a minnow being swallowed by a bigger fish, and that's quite understandable. But that's not always true and, to borrow another ...
GEICO had the right idea about following Progressive—and the majority of top auto insurers—into the world of telematics, but the benefits of the technology go well beyond matching rate and risk ...
Beginning with the completion of my academic studies in earthquake engineering and continuing throughout my 25-year career in property/casualty insurance, I have been driven by the need and the ...
There are an estimated 1.85 billion people with disabilities globally, with spending power of $490 billion in the U.S. alone. Friends and families of people with disabilities add another 3.3 billion ...
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