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Digitalization has become a buzzword today, with concepts such as digital government, digital currency, digital health care and digital enterprises. It seems many traditional things can appear trendy ...
As the pandemic begins to recede and businesses reopen, there's buzz in the insurance carrier world about a tidal wave of enrollments and policy changes that could be heading their way. Certain ...
Major players in the insurance industry are developing their plans for a "smart working revolution." Companies have learned from their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and how they adjusted to ...
Next year, Chubb (tracing its roots back to the birth of the Insurance Company of North America) will turn 230 years old, an extraordinary feat of longevity that partly explains why it's the world's ...
With primary rate changes approaching 50 percent and underwriting questions about network controls becoming more and more detailed, cyber insurers and reinsurers are reacting to an onslaught of ...
Sensor technology is no longer an emerging technology in commercial property/casualty insurance. It has emerged—and is rapidly growing, according to executives who bring the Internet of Things ...
From Salt Lake City, Utah to Basel, Switzerland to Paris, France—and into the Google Cloud. When Carrier Management reached out to industry veteran David Bradford to find out what traditional ...
Most often, the concept of embedding insurance refers to a means of distribution—offering more or less traditional insurance coverages for products or services at the point of sale. For Hokodo, ...
The best cyber underwriting information often is the least accessible. A thorough assessment of information security practices requires data from inside an organization's firewall, which is both ...
Salty owns embedded insurance—literally. "EMBEDDED INSURANCE" is a trademark of Salty Dot Inc. Salty's SaaS platform enables carriers and their distribution partners to offer policies to insure ...
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