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In today's highly competitive job market, attracting the right talent is not just about money. It isn't necessarily about offering flextime or office perks, either. For most would-be employees, ...
Every month since the onset of the pandemic, American workers started quitting their jobs. In November 2021, the number of people who quit their current positions just that month topped 4.5 million, ...
Panelists at Insurance Journal's March webinar, Raising the Bar on Cybersecurity, said a paradigm shift is happening in cyber insurance as carriers embrace technology, and those that don't keep up ...
Even as consumers continue to navigate toward online shopping channels, many independent agent carriers have hesitated to invest heavily in online customer acquisition. While digital performance ...
Merger and acquisition activity in the insurance sector accelerated in 2021. That trend is expected to continue through 2022 as acquiring companies seek to enter new markets, access additional ...
We've all heard the corporate mantra, "The customer is at the center of everything we do." While admittedly cliche, it's not a mantra to be taken lightly by companies in the insurance industry. When ...
Since Russia launched a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, questions have resurfaced about the likelihood of a global cyber war. While experts say there isn't a credible threat at ...
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the number of cyber incidents in the U.S. has increased, and underwriters will need to adapt, according to a panel of experts at the PLUS Cyber Symposium. ...
The pandemic has been a wake-up call for insurers. In an industry that has traditionally lagged in digital deployments, the savviest players are reassessing their own infrastructures to reevaluate if ...
Voices in the insurance industry have recently called for the regulation of commercial litigation funding on the ground that it is "a key driver of social inflation." Such calls to action lack ...
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