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Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) put a strain on any organization—with employees often reporting feelings ranging from ambivalence to outright fear. In the middle of such complex changes, it is ...
Cash burn is so 2020. To keep with the recent theme of calling out the obvious, it's time to talk about the next big risk for product-centric InsurTechs. It's not cash burn. Everyone knows about that ...
The term "digital divide" was coined in the mid-1990's by consumer groups who were concerned that the growth and spread of the Internet would lead to those who had access to the Internet, and those ...
It's a video streaming world. Video is a natural technology for insurers to offer customers and claimants. Various anthropological sources of our species state that our human brain is hard-wired to ...
There has been a lot of talk about how insurance companies are increasingly falling victim to outside cyber attacks, but the risk of insider threats can be just as scary and perhaps a little more ...
Insurers are not typically thought of as disruptors. You know, the ones anticipating change, willing to ride the waves, and making drastic changes based on where the market will be rather than merely ...
The best perk of working at a global company is talking to customers in various countries about their operational challenges and best practices, and the ability to compare their figures. Let's look ...
Consumers in the U.S. are rapidly adapting to electric vehicles, a shift away from the internal combustion engine that may change auto insurance claim characteristics. CCC Intelligent Solutions said ...
A decade ago, it was questionable sinkhole damages that proliferated in Florida property insurance claims. More recently, "free roof" solicitations, roof claims and thousands of lawsuits have rattled ...
Innovation calls upon us to challenge existing paradigms. Women in technology understand this all too well. Many of us have stepped into roles that were traditionally dominated by men. We've had to ...
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