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If you walked through the offices of XL Catlin in Stamford, Conn., you'd see Chief Financial Officer Peter Porrino's office right next to the office of Chief Executive Officer Mike McGavick. The ...
There's a lot of talk about strategy in the property/casualty insurance industry these days, but at Chubb Limited, C-suite executives understand that developing a strategy is the small part of a ...
Manny Rios was president and CEO of Munich Re's American Modern when a corporate headhunter gave him a call. It was in July 2015, and the headhunter pitched a new insurance industry leadership ...
Wall Street and financial analysts like to focus on next quarter's profits and losses. But such an approach is not always the best way to run a business for the long term, affirmed Richie Whitt, ...
In an industry where large egos are generally the rule, rather than the exception, Markel Corp.'s leadership structure could be deemed a bit unusual—and, as a result, doesn't exist in many ...
In a recent, wide-ranging conversation with Wells Media Group's Andy Simpson, Bill Hartnett, ACORD's first innovation chief, talked about innovation culture and the power of failure, lessons he ...
There are not many insurance executives who will quote inventor Thomas Edison, Microsoft's Steve Baumer, futurist Alvin Toffler, Moore's Law, and philosophers Aristotle and Plato. There are also not ...
There are not many people in the insurance business who can flash business cards with the title "head of innovation." Bill Hartnett, a former executive in the insurance division at Microsoft, was ...
As a pure reinsurer, TransRe stands apart from hybrids that combine both primary insurance and reinsurance in their operating models. And that's a situation that CEO Michael Sapnar expects to ...
In spite of rumors swirling around Bermuda companies about potential mergers and acquisitions, Mark Lyons, chief financial officer of Arch Capital Group Ltd., said his company, a specialty insurer ...
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