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Seraina Macia, Hamilton USA's new CEO, isn't too worried about industry disrupters. If anything, she admits, Hamilton is seeking its own kind of disruption in the InsurTech space, as it develops ...
Property/casualty insurance executives may be worried about disrupters discovering novel ways to connect with their hard-earned policyholders, but an insurance regulator with a reputation for ...
In addition to talking about his career journey to become CEO of CoverHound, Keith Moore answered a few questions for Carrier Management about the insurance industry and technology. Q: What do you ...
Reflecting on his tenure a few months before the end of his final term as North Dakota Commissioner, Adam Hamm told Carrier Management why becoming a national leader in insurance regulation was an ...
Property/casualty insurance executives may be worried about disrupters discovering novel ways to connect with their hard-earned policyholders, but an insurance regulator with a reputation for ...
Before Republican Jon Godfread won the election for insurance commissioner in North Dakota last week, the outgoing commissioner, Adam Hamm, spoke to Carrier Management about his decision not to seek ...
Insurance industry executives have been slow to embrace social media tools such as Twitter and blogging in their professional lives. Jack Salzwedel is a notable exception. Salzwedel, the chairman and ...
A competitive spirit is something that comes naturally to Rob Schimek, CEO of AIG Commercial. Coaxed to talk about his personal leadership style and the life experiences that have helped him ...
CoverHound CEO Keith Moore has a vision of simplifying cyber insurance sales that involves underwriting the security vendors used by insureds—a model that could ultimately allow small business ...
When discussing his career as a chief financial officer, Patrick Regan, group chief financial officer for QBE, emphasizes the importance of people and the team the CFO builds. "You're only as ...
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