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Cybersecurity researchers at Rutgers University-New Brunswick and the Georgia Institute of Technology have proposed new ways to protect 3D-printed objects such as drones, prostheses and medical ...
Actuaries and insurance technology professionals who explain their work using the phrase "It's not rocket science" may need to rethink their choice of words, according to research published in the ...
Mandatory Securities and Exchange Commission disclosures about the reasons behind auditor firings are useless for assessing whether restatement trouble lies ahead for the company, according to new ...
Finances are a major source of stress for employees, affecting both their personal lives and their productivity at work, according to Morgan Stanley's inaugural State of the Workplace Financial ...
AM Best is maintaining a stable market segment outlook for the global reinsurance segment, citing in part the ongoing positive pricing momentum driven by rising loss cost inflation, enhanced ...
Certain U.S. commercial insurance segments saw robust price increases in the 2021 third quarter, but the sector overall continued to see a slowing and steady moderation in rate hikes, according to a ...
Highly moral people might always "do the right thing" when it comes to speaking up about wrongdoings and problems in the workplace. But even people who lack that moral compass become more likely to ...
The U.S. personal lines insurance industry has earned a continued AM Best market segment outlook of stable heading into 2022 due to strong fundamentals in the sector, the ratings entity said in a new ...
Players in the U.S. nonstandard auto insurance segment may find that return to pre-pandemic norms, with greater loss-cost pressures along with elevated inflation and supply chain issues, may ...
European property/casualty insurers faced a dip in total average gross written premium and after-tax profit in 2020, but their regulatory solvency ratios remained strong. Pandemic factors generally ...
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