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Defective product/work quality issues, crashes and human error are listed as the top causes of liability loss for businesses, according to a report published by Allianz Global Corporate Specialty ...
Internet of Things and smart home technology offer significant growth potential for property/casualty insurers, but data access limits could restrict how big the boom becomes, according to a new ...
Signs point to 2017 being another year of "robust" mergers and acquisitions, thanks in part to a number of ongoing industry trends and a current government climate that show no sign of letting up, ...
Bermuda market insurers and reinsurers are beginning to experience lower profits, a deterioration in both return on equity and combined ratio as well as the drying up of favorable reserve ...
Bedbugs in hotel rooms and aggressive peacocks are some of the creatures behind an uptick in animal-related insurance claims filed by U.S. businesses, according to a study published on Thursday by ...
U.S. personal auto underwriters increased premium rates "significantly" in 2016. But here's the thing: it wasn't enough. Loss trends are still outpacing rate changes. Also, the U.S. P/C industry ...
Global insured losses from disaster events hit $54 billion in 2016, up 43 percent from the previous year, as countries around the world dealt with earthquakes, storms, floods, wildfires and other ...
Approximately 32 percent of existing UK jobs in financial services and insurance could be automated by robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) over the next 15 years, according to a new study by ...
Risk to U.S. property from thunderstorms is as high as from hurricanes, according to new research finding that for the past decade, severe convective storms have been the largest annual aggregated ...
Property/casualty insurer and reinsurer operating earnings in North America dipped in 2016, hammered by factors including higher catastrophe losses, low investment yields and underwriting ...
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