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Predictive modeling is becoming even more widespread among U.S. property/casualty insurers, with rapid gain likely in the coming years for commercial lines carriers. The big news: Two-thirds of the ...
It's no secret that the Federal Insurance Office isn't exactly popular among property-casualty insurers. But a Washington D.C. nonprofit policy group says it can and should be saved, and even ...
Cornell University researchers are developing a system to enable teams of robots to share information as they move around, and if necessary, interpret what they see. This would allow the robots to ...
Everybody loves those rare "aha moments" where you suddenly and unexpectedly solve a difficult problem or understand something that had previously perplexed you. But until now, researchers had not ...
Manual-entry tasks such as texting cause slower reaction times and more eyes-off-road glances than voice-to-text input with smartphones and Google Glass. But all of the secondary tasks beyond driving ...
With auto insurers increasingly worried about a spike in accidents related to distracted driving, results from a new study will only reinforce their fears. A little more than 52 percent of trips that ...
Not all chief executives will be exceptional. What separates the top performers from the rest of the pack? A new study by McKinsey & Co. offers three lessons to help transitioning CEOs become ...
Catastrophe bond issuance reached $2.3 billion in the 2017 first quarter, a record level that landed slightly higher than the same period a year ago, the Property Claims Services Unit of Verisk ...
Drivers' private information can be compromised when stored in the cloud for usage-based insurance (UBI) programs, according to researchers. Using connected-device, or telematics, functions in ...
Jobs in the insurance industry are among the most stressful, ranking No. 2 in a recent study by staffing firm Robert Half. The legal profession provides the most stress, according to the study by ...
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