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U.S. property/casualty insurance carriers could see significant short-term financial gains from insuring autonomous vehicles before likely long-term personal auto premium declines after the ...
The soft pricing in the global reinsurance market will continue at least for the rest of the year, Fitch Ratings says. Fitch expects premium rates to continue declining as a result of large amounts ...
The people specifically charged with moving innovation forward at property/casualty insurance companies are more optimistic about reaching their goals and garnering organizational support for their ...
Nine in 10 global cybersecurity and risk experts said they believed that cyber risk is systemic and that simultaneous attacks on multiple companies were likely in 2017, according to a study by ...
A big change in the Ogden rate and higher natural catastrophe losses are dampening a wide range of Bermuda-based insurer and reinsurer results in the 2017 first quarter, Standard & Poor's said in ...
Cyber insurance may be a fast-changing and relatively new market, but it was profitable in 2016 despite higher loss ratios, according to a new Aon Benfield report. The U.S. market combined ratio for ...
Tornadoes and mobile homes don't mix to begin with, but throw in the volatility of climate change and the potential for massive property damage and deaths is even higher in coming decades, indicates ...
The insurance sector is at risk of being further marginalized by investors because performance reporting has become more complicated as a result of Solvency II, according to a report published ...
For the fifth consecutive year in a row, Erie Insurance came in first in J.D. Power's annual ranking of auto insurance customer service. Erie Insurance's score of 879 out of a possible 1,000 comes as ...
InsurTech venture funding plunged 64 percent in the 2017 first quarter compared to the previous year, but the reason for the drop may actually be quite positive, according to a new Willis Towers ...
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