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The people specifically charged with moving innovation forward at property/casualty insurance companies are more optimistic about reaching their goals and garnering organizational support for their ...
Insurers – both from the property/casualty and life sectors – are far ahead of other industries in appointing a chief digital officer, according to Strategy&, PwC's strategy consulting ...
The global reinsurance sector is poised for yet another full year of declining rates, ensuring that a hoped-for bottom of the current market cycle will remain elusive in 2017, Standard & Poor's ...
Millennials are aging, and that may be good news for property/casualty insurers. Here's why: Millennials appear to have a stronger affinity for insurance companies than their Gen X or baby boomer ...
About 26 percent of U.S. auto insurance customers have seen rate hikes so far this year, and they're not happy. However, it looks like clear communications from carriers can help mitigate any price ...
Drought and cloud computing would not necessarily go together, but they do in the world of insurance risk. Swiss Re sees both as the greatest risks property/casualty insurers will face in the coming ...
Adequacy of income benefits is one of the long-standing concerns about the performance of workers compensation systems. However, there is little known about whether income benefits (also called ...
Public and private insurers forked over nearly $3 billion to cover claims related to severe weather outbreaks in the U.S. for May. Overall aggregated economic losses: more than $4 billion, Aon ...
U.S. employees remain unprepared for cybersecurity incidents even as most of the companies they work for insist they're highly protected from threats, according to a new Willis Towers Watson survey. ...
Innovation often opens the door to new products that would never have been possible. Conning asserts in a new report that this is happening with personal lines insurance, thanks to consumers' ...
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