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Cyber attacks have reached a point where they could rack up billions of dollars in economic and insured losses, rivaling damage created by hurricanes. This milestone means insurers must start ...
Nearly 10 million people living in 5.4 million homes have a high risk from rising sea levels and will be adversely impacted by climate change, according to a new report that takes data from U.S. ...
By the spring of this year, the financial press was filled with articles documenting the pause in numerical and medical inflation. But few outside the insurance industry are discussing—or maybe ...
While big data scientists are often perceived as the key to unlocking the potential value of big data, research conducted by the University of Kent in the UK indicates a different view. Dr. Maggie ...
Two climate scientists suggest they've come closer to resolving a critical debate about how quickly human activity will heat up the planet. The answer isn't good news. It's almost universally ...
Global insurance premiums increased by 3.1 percent in real terms during 2016, down from growth of 4.3 percent reported in 2015, according to Swiss Re Institute's sigma study. The report described ...
Catastrophe bond issuance for the 2017 first half reached new records for the sector, with its nearly $8.8 billion in new limit coming in larger than the biggest full year in catastrophe bond market ...
While many insurance experts believe that autonomous vehicle technology could drastically shrink the auto insurance sector, new KPMG research assigns a precise estimate to the drop. The number is ...
Technology is changing the way insurance carriers meet the evolving needs of customers and prospects, and digital offerings such as assisted online live chat/messaging are poised to change the way ...
The insurance underwriter profession is on the endangered list, ranking among the jobs most vulnerable to automation, says a new report from the Center for Business and Economic Research. ...
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