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Swiss Re's economists predict "inflationary recessions" hitting major world economies over the next 12-18 months, and while recessions spell less insurance demand and inflation means higher claim ...
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has brought the threat of nuclear warfare to the forefront. But how would modern nuclear detonations impact the world today? A new study published in early July provides ...
Scientists, officials and activists have long called out the inequity in national histories on greenhouse gas emissions with rich nations benefiting and poor ones hurting from global warming, and now ...
Financial strategists, medical advisers and venture capitalists that are considered experts in their fields play a crucial role in major organizations but are more likely than novices to make ...
What does your SAT score mean for your ability to pay off a car loan? What does your Facebook feed say about your chances of landing a mortgage? What does your propensity for snacking on road trips ...
Dysfunction is highly contagious. Two Rutgers-led studies examine how counterproductive behaviors and bottom-line thinking spread through the workplace, ultimately hurting productivity. The first ...
The language used in Facebook posts can identify people at risk of hazardous drinking and alcohol use disorders (AUDs), according to a new study. Social media platforms are a "low-cost treasure ...
When a driverless car is in motion, one faulty decision by its collision-avoidance system can lead to disaster, but researchers at the University of California, Irvine have identified another ...
When two companies merge, they see an initial benefit, but consumer dissatisfaction often erodes the new company's value. According to new research from the University of Georgia, big brands often ...
Narcissism is a prominent trait among top executives, and most people have seen the evidence in their workplaces. These individuals believe they have superior confidence, intelligence and judgment, ...
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