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Mobile broadband access—used as an indicator of the likelihood that drivers may be using mobile devices while driving—appears to have no impact on collision frequency, according to a recent ...
It's cool when everybody knows your name, but if you're running a big company, fame can have a down side. A new theoretical paper by an Arizona State University professor looks at why CEOs who become ...
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence are raising risks that malicious users will soon exploit the technology to mount automated hacking attacks, cause driverless car crashes or turn commercial ...
While the balance sheets of clubs operating in the marine protection and indemnity (P&I) sector are generally strong, underwriting discipline will be tested over the February 2018 renewal period, ...
Commercial property insurers are pursuing double-digit rate hikes in the wake of 2017's historic natural catastrophes and the $143 billion in global estimated insured losses they caused. But ...
There was a time not so long ago when Hartford, Conn., was widely known as the "Insurance Capital of the World." These days, Hartford has work to do to reclaim that title. But with insurance ...
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry will likely post a second consecutive year of underwriting losses for 2017, and it will be much worse than the year before, according to a new A.M. Best ...
A form of hacking is on the rise that insurers and their clients should be aware of: fraudulent instruction. The latest Beazley Breach Insights report outlines the escalating threat, where a hacker ...
Traditional insurers and reinsurers played a big part in fueling InsurTech startup investment momentum in 2017. By doing so, they tamed potential rivals, turning them into a source of technology to ...
The number of class action lawsuits in the United States accusing companies of fraud and other securities law violations soared in 2017, topping one a day even as the value of settlements plunged, a ...
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