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A new study gives a relative break to those drivers who talk on a mobile device while driving versus their peers who text. The finding: People who text while driving are six times more likely to be ...
The number of U.S. insurers providing cyber insurance keeps growing rapidly along with the ever-increasing amount of cyber attacks. As of 2017, 170 U.S. insurers reported writing cyber insurance, up ...
Insurers dealt with approximately $7.1 billion in global insured catastrophe losses during the 2018 second quarter, well below the historical average, Morgan Stanley estimates in a new research note. ...
During 2017, the private flood insurance market expanded considerably with 50 new carriers. In total, insurers reported direct private flood insurance premiums written of $630 million—an increase ...
Any momentum for property catastrophe reinsurance rate hikes in place earlier this year has largely dissipated during the June/July renewals, and some pricing has even dipped, Willis Re said in its ...
Farm bill negotiations in Congress will potentially place serious pressure on the U.S.-subsidized multiperil crop insurance market, a new A.M. Best report concludes. Here's why: Typically, the ...
Property/casualty insurers have a long way to go toward meeting customer expectations about their digital interactions, the new J.D. Power 2018 Insurance Digital Experience Study found. J.D. Power ...
The chemicals used by a West Virginia factory to make nonstick products are dangerous at levels the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had thought were safe, according to a federal study that had ...
Although analysts at Conning didn't actually use the word "shocked" in their latest report on the property/casualty industry's loss reserve position, the title of the report—and the image on the ...
New research suggests drinking water supplies in Pennsylvania have shown resilience in the face of a drilling boom that has turned swaths of countryside into a major production zone for natural gas. ...
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