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In acts of terrorism, vehicles have been deployed as killing machines. These incidents involved human operators, but another sinister possibility looms: a vehicle cyber hack intended to cause human ...
Traditional carriers have a big problem on their hands in terms of keeping millennial customers from switching to upstart rivals. A large majority of millennials are open to switching to upstarts ...
Small commercial insurers aren't giving their client base what they want – a simple and easy purchase experience. Whether online or through an agent, business owners are left confused, frustrated ...
Insurers are reluctant pursuers of innovation, cautious about disruption that new technology and systems can cause, even as they see the need for such changes. A new A.M. Best survey found that most ...
Political risk losses are rising around the world, thanks largely to rising geopolitical tensions, according to a new survey from Willis Towers Watson and Oxford Analytica. Approximately 55 percent ...
Lawnmower injuries persists at a rate of close to 6,400 a year, most of them requiring surgery and hospitalization and costing an average of $37,000 per patient. In what Johns Hopkins Medicine ...
Insurers are doing a better job protecting themselves from cyber attacks even as attempted breaches have nearly doubled, a new Accenture study has found. The percentage of successful global insurance ...
Technology-oriented insurance startups and established small mutual property/casualty insurers may find they are better off partnering than competing. Mutual P/C insurance companies continue to face ...
Despite challenging market conditions, insurers are in a relatively upbeat mood and ready to increase their risk exposure, according to a study from investment adviser BlackRock. Almost half (47 ...
Technological advances in personal auto insurance distribution and vehicle safety are helping to drive significant transformation of the sector over the coming months and years, Conning said in a new ...
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