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Providing an annual update of its study of the impact of catastrophic events on global GDP, researchers from the University of Cambridge find that roughly $584 billion could be wiped from the global ...
Don't expect the U.S. personal auto insurance market to continue in 2020 with the strong results seen in 2018 and likely for 2019, Fitch Ratings said in a new report. Fitch said that "shifting market ...
The market outlook on the U.S. commercial lines industry for 2020 is stable. according to analysts at ratings firm A.M. Best who cite "improved market conditions and solid levels of risk-adjusted ...
The U.S. property/casualty insurance sector should see small improvements in underwriting profits in 2019 and 2020, thanks largely to commercial lines price increases, Fitch Ratings predicts in a new ...
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are increasingly embraced by U.S. carriers as they seek to remain competitive and modernize their operations, a new LexisNexis Risk Solutions study has ...
The range of risks facing company executives, or directors and officers (D&Os), has increased significantly in recent years along with resulting insurance claims, according to a report published ...
After Bill Pieroni, the CEO of ACORD, delivered a presentation about ACORD's latest study, "Intelligent Growth: Intent, Decisions, Outcomes," he sat down with Wells Media's Andrew Simpson to talk ...
As for the waning carriers, why did they wane? Why didn't they grow and why did they achieve inferior economics? Pieroni said there are a number of reasons but the top ones include inability to ...
Some insurance carriers grow but do not create value. Others shrink but still create value. Some fail at both. Then there are the "intelligent growers"—those that succeed at both, not only growing ...
Rate increases are likely for North American commercial insurance buyers in 2020, but the trend won't likely lead to an overall hardening market, according to reports from Willis Towers Watson and ...
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