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While insurance rates have risen for nine consecutive quarters due to large catastrophe losses and accelerating claims inflation, Fitch Ratings expects that technical profits won't be seen until the ...
Extensive severe weather events in the United States during April cost insurers billions of dollars, according to the latest edition of Aon's Global Catastrophe Recap report. There were 14 killer ...
If only 10 percent of health care workers contract COVID-19 and all of their claims are deemed compensable, workers' compensation loss costs for that sector could double or even triple in some ...
The insurance industry has proven its resilience in recent years, weathering billion-dollar natural catastrophe events, increased cyber risk and now a pandemic, but this resilience will be tested ...
Key property/casualty insurance lines could face COVID-19 insured losses reaching a combined $80 billion in a worst-case scenario modeled by Willis Towers Watson as part of a new report. U.S. and ...
Some digital insurers will be in serious jeopardy as standalone companies in the months ahead, thanks in part to a big coronavirus crisis-related drop in venture funding. That reality, in turn, could ...
There is about a 65 percent chance that neutral weather conditions will prevail in the Northern Hemisphere this spring with no El Niño or La Niña, up from 60 percent last month, a U.S. government ...
U.S. commercial insurance prices continued rising at an accelerated pace in the 2019 fourth quarter, with the aggregate price change exceeding 6 percent, according to a new Willis Towers Watson ...
Net underwriting income for the U.S. property/casualty insurance industry in 2019 grew by $4.9 million from 2018, A.M. Best said in a new report. Underwriting income hit $4.1 billion in 2019, from a ...
Insurers expect to pay more than $473.7 million to UK customers hit by the recent Storms Ciara and Dennis, according to initial estimates from the Association of British Insurers (ABI).
Initial ABI ...
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