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Despite considerable operating challenges in 2020 from the global COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. property/casualty insurers saw a statutory underwriting profit for the third consecutive year, with an ...
Wildfire risk across the western United States has become a challenging issue for the insurance industry. Heightened risk and extreme events are squeezing carriers and devastating consumers. As a ...
An onslaught of U.S. storms and flooding in March caused as much as $2 billion in economic damage. Public and private insurers were likely to see losses surpass $1 billion, Aon plc said in its ...
Technology companies' satisfaction with D&O coverage has dropped sharply so far 2021, as pricing soared and insurers narrowed their terms and conditions, Marsh found in a new study. Approximately ...
Global reinsurance capital rebounded to traditional levels at the end of 2020, despite profound challenges caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, capital levels for global ...
A new algorithm-based study by a group of UK universities has predicted that 63 countries – roughly half the number rated by the likes of S&P Global, Moody's and Fitch - could see their credit ...
More than two-thirds of insurance customers are now digitally transmitting photos or videos when filing property claims, decreasing claim cycle times and helping drive the highest overall ...
Blame the Polar Vortex and the resulting drastic U.S. winter weather for generating record direct economic losses and more carrier headaches. Direct economic losses from those Polar Vortex-driven ...
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. property/casualtyindustry improved its overall profitability in 2020, with a 68 percent increase in net underwriting income and combined ratio that improved ...
U.S. commercial insurance price hikes surpassed 10 percent in aggregate during the 2020 fourth quarter, another robust climb for a sector that produced aggressive rate hikes all year, according to ...
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