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Insured losses from natural disasters hit a 10-year high of $42 billion in the first half of 2021, with the biggest loss related to extreme cold in the United States in February, insurance broker Aon ...
Casualty is proving its value as a good diversifier for reinsurers, especially given the positive primary rate movement seen in recent years, according to an Aon report. The combination of challenged ...
Cyber risk is becoming increasingly relevant to insurer credit ratings, according to a new report from S&P Global Ratings. S&P cited the Colonial oil pipeline attack in the U.S. in late ...
Robust global economic recovery, higher risk awareness and the strongest rate hardening for 20 years in non-life insurance commercial lines will combine to push premiums 10% above pre-COVID-19-crisis ...
Property/casualty insurers plan to accelerate their use of automation for actuarial work, a new Willis Towers Watson survey found. What's more, COVID-19 has been a major factor in the trend. The ...
Depression is a worldwide problem, with serious consequences for individual health and the economy, and rapid and effective screening tools are thus urgently needed to counteract its increasing ...
New research from the University of Notre Dame shows that "disagreeable" men in opposite-sex marriages are less helpful with domestic work, allowing them to devote greater resources to their jobs, ...
June 2021 left Europe with its costliest severe storm period on record. Meanwhile, over in the U.S. in Canada, record-setting heatwaves caused significant damage, according to Aon's latest natural ...
Here's a statistic that underscores the tough job cyber insurers have in convincing clients to reduce risks: 57 percent of individuals said they use personal information to inspire a password. That's ...
The use of e-cigarettes, or vaping, causes serious damage to the lungs. After the novel coronavirus responsible for the respiratory disease COVID-19 emerged last year, there have been ongoing ...
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