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Neglected no more. Independent agents are feeling the love from property/casualty insurance carriers—and the scores they are giving carriers are moving higher, J.D. Power reports. According to ...
Working from home could revolutionize job opportunities for people with mobility impairments, chronic medical conditions and other disabilities, but a towering obstacle still stands in the way more ...
Lately, when people say "wildfire," California is probably the first state that comes to mind. But a new report should concern people living in a few other Western states that aren't often mentioned ...
Warming ocean waters have caused a drop in the brightness of the Earth, according to a new study. Researchers used decades of measurements of earthshine—the light reflected from Earth that ...
Two sets of researchers published analyses of auto crashes recently, with one set identifying speeding at the cause of fatal accidents during the early days of the pandemic, and the other correlating ...
Agent digital experiences are moving to the forefront of property/casualty insurance carrier tech strategies, according to a survey report published by Celent late last week. Just having a web portal ...
Climate change and the race to net zero greenhouse gas emissions are arguably the greatest challenges that face the construction industry — but they will drive new opportunities, according to a ...
The pandemic caused economic and insured losses from cyber attacks to skyrocket, which has heightened awareness of the risk and increased demand for cyber re/insurance, according to a report ...
Workers compensation may have a smaller premium base, but it remains highly profitable compared to other policy lines, AM Best concludes in a new report. The line produced more than $44.3 billion in ...
Insurance agents are facing increased pressure from their clients to find new and broader ways to protect their assets through the ongoing pandemic, a Nationwide survey concludes. Clients want agents ...
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