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As insurers brace for an expensive natural-disaster season because of storms and wildfires ravaging parts of the United States, the novel coronavirus is giving them an odd financial break. Many ...
Some commercial property owners whose businesses were torched by rioters are learning that they don't have enough insurance to clear away the debris. The StarTribune newspaper reported Monday that ...
Britain suffered its worst train crash in more than 15 years after a derailment in Scotland killed three people, including the driver, and left another six injured. The Scotrail service was traveling ...
PG&E Corp. is finding it very costly to buy fire insurance after wildfires triggered by its power lines sent the company into bankruptcy and left it paying $25.5 billion for claims. It's hoping ...
Let's get a few things out of the way. First, I am not a data scientist or an actuary. I am an attorney interested in data. More specifically, I am interested in using data from disparate sources to ...
A trial to decide who should pay for the rising costs associated with the coronavirus pandemic is about to start in London. The UK financial regulator took Europe's largest insurers to court in a ...
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wants to give federal courts jurisdiction over liability claims arising from coronavirus infections to limit the legal exposure of businesses, schools and other ...
A trial court judge in Lansing, Mich., handed a victory to insurers in what may be the nation's first final ruling on the question of whether a property insurer is liable for financial damages caused ...
Estimates of the size of COVID-19's impact on the insurance industry vary widely, but some companies (including Chubb and Willis Re) have suggested that, considering both asset and liability losses, ...
As the insurance industry faces litigation and questions over virus-related claim denials, it could soon be dealing with another business income hurdle due to the civil unrest that has taken place in ...
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