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The person who invented autocorrect should burn in hello. We've probably all seen some form of this joke and thought about a situation where a word we wanted to type was replaced by one we definitely ...
Google Cloud and The Travelers Companies said they are working together to create a cloud-based data ecosystem that will help Travelers' underwriters more efficiently evaluate risks for large and ...
Higher auto loss costs are here to stay, according to the leader of Allstate, who also said that his company will be pushing up auto insurance prices higher, and at a faster pace, for the balance of ...
While the days of cash flow underwriting are a distant memory for veteran insurance executives, the need for industry's more recent "preoccupation" with underwriting profit is starting to subside, ...
State Farm and ADT, a smart home provider, announced that State Farm will make a $1.2 billion equity investment in ADT, a move that will give the nation's largest insurer a 15 percent ownership stake ...
Earlier this week, Judge Indu Thomas entered the final order declaring that Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler exceeded his authority when he issued a permanent rule banning the use of credit-based ...
The natural catastrophe business of global reinsurers has been reshaped by five years of higher-than-expected losses, which is leading reinsurers to adopt divergent strategies—either diving in to ...
Experts at McKinsey & Company estimate that inflation pushed loss costs for property/casualty insurers up roughly $30 billion last year, with nearly three-quarters of that figure coming through ...
Many reinsurers across the globe increasingly have been doing business with certain select managing general agents (MGAs), seen as market innovators, by reinsuring the fronting insurers that provide ...
The heightened perception of risk stemming from cyber attacks, the climate, pandemics and even inflation are just a few of the volatile factors fueling a demand-side need for more specialized ...
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