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With the growing popularity of disposable e-cigarettes, communities across the U.S. are confronting a new vaping problem: how to safely get rid of millions of small, battery-powered devices that are ...
Alterations to the experience modification factor, or e-mod, rules by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) will impact 36 states where the NCCI governs the workers compensation ...
A very active Atlantic hurricane season so far this year has not sent storms across U.S. oil and natural gas fields in the northern Gulf of Mexico, sparing energy companies billions of dollars of ...
New analysis released by State Farm indicates U.S. drivers have a 1 in 127 chance of colliding with an animal, while the most common time of the year for these types of collisions to occur is during ...
Much of the discussion around how to manage the advanced forms of artificial intelligence—machine learning, generative AI, large language models—deals with them only as technologies. This is a ...
Global insured losses from natural disaster events for the first three quarters of this year reached $88 billion, according to Aon's latest Q3 Global Catastrophe Recap report. The figure is 17 ...
With warmer oceans serving as fuel, Atlantic hurricanes are now more than twice as likely as before to rapidly intensify from wimpy minor hurricanes to powerful and catastrophic, a study said ...
Since acute and chronic climate risks, like floods and droughts, threaten damage and disruption to supply chains across critical industries, including the semiconductor manufacturing sector, it's ...
With text messages and emails under tightened surveillance, financial firms may now have to screen staff video calls for possible rule-breaking, amid concern regulators are poised to scrutinize such ...
Minors and parents suing Meta Inc.'s Facebook and other technology giants for the kids' social media platform addictions won an important ruling advancing their collection of lawsuits in a California ...
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