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Dominic Casserley, president and deputy CEO of Willis Towers Watson, will leave the company when his employment agreement ends on Dec. 31, 2016, the global advisory and broking company confirmed on ...
A lot has happened since Zenefits told investors last year that its already lofty projection for annual recurring revenue would more than triple by the end of 2016. The HR software maker saw its ...
The American Association of Managing General Agents (AAMGA) and the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices (NAPSLO) are considering combining both organizations into one ...
Allstate Insurance Co. has launched a new Hispanic advertising campaign, "Estar en buenas manos nos da más," leveraging international reggaeton singer-songwriter Daddy Yankee. The campaign is the ...
Esurance is offering an Election Insurance Sweepstakes that will award one winner $10,000 toward a chance to explore a new homeland following this fall's election. The insurer created the sweepstakes ...
Two weeks after unveiling business insurance offerings like workers compensation and general liability for small businesses on its online platform, CoverHound is launching another ...
Given a choice between two options, agents would prefer that carriers focus their money and time on strengthening the personal bonds between them. Agents are even more emphatic about that when asked ...
Knowing that agents are more satisfied with benefits they derive from carrier relationships than they are with carrier technology, you might think that agents would want carriers to step up efforts ...
Property/casualty insurance carriers investing in technology to help agents haven't yet made great strides in the minds of their agency partners, a late-2015 survey for Carrier Management reveals. ...
CoverHound, an InsurTech company that allows customers to compare and purchase personal auto insurance online, is adding a full suite of business insurance offerings—including workers compensation ...
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