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Another market analysis has determined that average U.S. commercial insurance pricing nudged slightly in the 2017 fourth quarter. Willis Towers Watson's latest Commercial Lines Insurance Pricing ...
Some of the biggest names in corporate America are coming under mounting pressure to cut ties with the National Rifle Association as gun safety activists on Friday intensified calls for a boycott in ...
News about ever-increasing dollars of InsurTech funding can't help but drive property/casualty insurers to seriously consider tech modernization projects to drive growth and efficiency in 2018. That ...
New technologies generate a great deal of excitement, and there's a positive buzz right now about the potential impact of artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation in the insurance ...
When I began my career as a journalist covering the insurance industry back in 1981, many of my early stories reported on dire warnings in a series of studies and expert pronouncements predicting the ...
Despite the grim outlook forecasted for U.S. agents in a 2013 report by McKinsey & Company, both captive and independent agents remain a viable segment of carrier distribution channels. Even with ...
Charlotte-based global wholesale broker AmWINS Group announced that Scott M. Purviance will succeed M. Steven DeCarlo as the company's chief executive officer, effective May 1, 2018. DeCarlo, who has ...
Allstate Insurance Company announced Friday that it will be hiring 600 people to fill available positions throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Alaska and Hawaii. Allstate is hiring to boost its ...
Deutsche Bank and digital insurance broker Friendsurance have formed a partnership designed to make it simpler and more transparent and convenient for clients to arrange for their insurance needs. To ...
In the 1990s, even when it took a slow dial-up connection and less sophisticated search engines to maneuver the information superhighway, there was discussion of how the Internet could impact future ...
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