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The Hartford is debuting a technology platform designed to help cover U.S. companies in more than 200 countries through local and regional partners. Coface is launching new credit insurance coverage ...
While the fact Facebook sold data without its users' knowledge or consent is old news, new reports that federal prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation into data deals the social media ...
Roadside assistance programs have never been more important. As the auto insurance industry becomes increasingly competitive—there was a record low number of new shoppers in 2018, according to a ...
Once upon a time, I managed the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) cable network account for a Madison Avenue advertising agency. When I would visit my client in Norfolk, Va., I would be greeted ...
I recently moved from comfortable surroundings in a New Jersey suburb to the hurly burly of New York City. While walking west on 55th Street this morning, I passed a storefront with the words ...
Daydreaming while driving can be deadly—especially on a Saturday in September or May, according to a review of police data by Erie Insurance. At the other end of the spectrum, Tuesdays and ...
The proliferation of technology usage within insurance is ironic. The industry historically labeled as a tech laggard now has more InsurTech available than insurance companies often know what to do ...
A recent social media debate on insurance innovation was sparked by a State Farm TV ad in which the insurance giant celebrates the superiority of its thousands of human insurance agents compared to ...
Chubb Ltd. is boosting its presence and digital capabilities in Latin America by way of a 15-year distribution agreement with Banco de Chile, the largest bank based in Chile. "This partnership will ...
Patricia Ross, Raphael Strumlauf and Kate DeNeveu each have at least one thing in common: They're generally happy with their business insurance. Each owns a business at the downtown pedestrian mall ...
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