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My accountant, Eric, recently told me his son passed the bar to practice law in New Jersey. During our conversation, Eric told me how he had explained to his son this important difference between his ...
Carries seeking to boost their digital capacity for customer services will increasingly seek InsurTech partnerships to get the job done, predicts J.D. Power's 2019 Insurance Digital Experience study. ...
Strict regulations, fierce competition, new technologies and ever-increasing customer expectations are transforming the very nature of the insurance business. An industry that focuses on managing ...
Insurers are realizing the increasing need for a more impactful and tailored approach to their online sales process. A brochure-website doesn't cut it anymore, as customers are expecting to encounter ...
Although I am not a particularly religious person, I attended church services on Palm Sunday this year. After checking that my presence did not cause the church walls to tumble down, I returned ...
AXIS Capital Holdings is refreshing its image, literally. The Bermuda-based specialty insurer and reinsurer said it is giving its brand a newer face, in part, through a revamped logo and website. ...
InsurTech Veruna said it has raised $6 million in Series A financing, with plans to use the money to propel expanded use of its Salesforce-based agency management platform. The Boston-based startup ...
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." Those words are attributed to Warren Buffett, and if Buffett said them, ...
Alliant hired an executive from JLT Specialty USA to help expand the company's reach in the northeastern United States. Justin Riccio will be senior vice president, based in Albany, N.Y. Previously, ...
Today's smartphones are more powerful than the computer that once dealt a world-champion chess player his first loss. But when it comes to using the power of mobile to enhance the customer ...
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