Change is the only constant, so it’s no surprise that generational changes are bringing major shifts to the insurance industry. Ranging from Baby Boomers who are planning their retirement parties to members of Gen Z who are embracing their first out-of-school jobs, the broader workforce is undergoing a rapid transition to new technologies and points of view.

But as the expertise of retirees is lost, this turnover creates knowledge gaps that can be much harder to fill than their positions. That’s why it’s important to effectively attract, onboard, and retain producers in a multigenerational workspace that works for everyone.

As your staff changes, so must your technology

The technology carriers depend on to train and empower new producers must meet their evolving expectations. With increasing ease and access norms, it can be a challenge for carriers to appeal to independent agents if their technology is stuck in the past. Information that’s contained in a stack of papers is easily overlooked, and newer generations might simply choose to forgo any knowledge they can’t quickly find.

At the same time, these generations expect instant access to personal support when they encounter an issue or need clarification. Digitization plus personalization have to be extended simultaneously to meet these producers where they are.

To learn more about the ways carriers are engaging the next generation of producers, watch our webinar, “The ABCs of X, Y, and Z”

In this free, on-demand webinar, insurance expert Karlyn Carnahan shares new data and statistical analysis with a panel of industry professionals. Learn about the ongoing knowledge transfer they’re seeing in the marketplace. Additionally, discover ways to make the best first impression on digital-first generations with strategies that can strengthen relationships between carriers and agencies.