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Brand Spotlight Verisk
Verisk is a leading provider of advanced tools and analytics for the property/casualty insurance industry. Drawing on unique data assets and deep domain expertise in actuarial science, artificial intelligence, telematics, and insurance, Verisk helps carriers underwrite and price risks with greater precision and efficiency and manage claims more effectively across the spectrum of commercial and personal lines.
For nearly 50 years, Verisk has been a leader in developing innovative solutions and working with multiple stakeholders in the property/casualty insurance marketplace, including insurers, reinsurers, third-party administrators, agents and brokers, insurance regulators, and risk managers.
Feeling the squeeze of an unprecedented hard market at a time when rate adequacy may be an ongoing challenge, throughout the fourth quarter of 2022, I met with personal auto insurance carriers across ...
Experienced field representatives have long been foundational to surveying commercial properties for insurance coverage, and they still are. A knowledgeable professional on-site can reliably collect ...
The phone rings, and it's an agent on the line letting you know an email is heading to your inbox about a commercial property that needs insurance coverage. While this happens routinely in your work ...
Total reconstruction costs, including materials and retail labor, increased 6.8% from January 2022 to January 2023. This slight drop follows the 9.3% increase from October 2021 to October 2022. ...
Actuaries know there are many, many kinds of distributions, all with different applications. Linguists often use the Zipf-Mandelbrot ("Z-M") Law to measure how often a word appears in a body of text. ...
Commercial property insurers don't want some or even most of the data about the buildings in their portfolios. They want all of the key data at their fingertips when a prospective client is waiting ...
The squeeze on insurers' margins is a dramatic change from the start of the pandemic, but there are innovations that can help segment risk more accurately and lower underwriting expenses. Modern ...
It's an unfortunate fact: small commercial underwriters spend too much time validating submission information and researching risk data, considering the low premium volume. They may have little ...
Like the structures they cover, property insurance policies tend to be strongest when built on a solid foundation, and a key component is the initial reconstruction cost estimate (RCE). Done ...
There may be no cure-all for the significant headache of a hard market, but non-rate actions—solutions that don't require a rate filing— are among the fastest ways to help with profitability. ...
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