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Content from William Wilt
William Wilt is President of Assured Research LLC, a research and advisory firm focused exclusively on the P/C insurance industry. Wilt is also a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society. Prior to founding Assured Research in 2012, Wilt held a variety of industry roles as an actuarial consultant, a senior credit officer for Moody’s Investors Services, a research analyst for Morgan Stanley and a number of senior corporate development and planning roles for P/C insurance carriers.
Wilt is a frequent contributor to Carrier Management on topics including social inflation, liability insurance trends and loss reserve analysis. Reach Wilt at
By the spring of this year, the financial press was filled with articles documenting the pause in numerical and medical inflation. But few outside the insurance industry are discussing—or maybe ...
National insurers have produced higher returns on equity and lower combined ratios in recent years, according to our analysis of financial results (published in a companion article here). Drilling ...
A comparison of the returns on equity of national and regional writers of property/casualty insurance produces a result that may not seem terribly intriguing: National writers win, hands down. But ...
The growing number of reinsurance mergers is understandable considering that the flood of alternative capital has upended the industry's economics. If companies don't lower their cost of capital and ...
In their latest report on regional insurance carriers, analysts at Assured Research provided a ranking of the top five insurers in each of six regions, using direct premiums written in 2013 to ...
Which regional carriers made an underwriting profit in 2013? Analysts at Assured Research listed the Top 5 and Bottom 5 private and public regional insurers based on statutory combined ratios. (Click ...
The wide open spaces of the West and Southwest are beckoning some U.S. property/casualty insurers looking to grow premium volumes in previously uncharted territories, according to a new analysis of ...
The financial challenges presented by asbestos liabilities are not fading away as most insurance professionals have long hoped. In fact, A.M. Best raised its estimate of ultimate asbestos liability ...
If you are like most insurance executives you are probably aware that changes are coming to insurance accounting, but you're probably not exactly sure what they are or why all this is happening. The ...
The concept of price elasticity of demand has not received enough attention in the world of property/casualty insurance. Regulatory hurdles, a tradition of cost-plus pricing and maybe even an ...
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