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Content from Tony Wessling
Tony Wessling is Managing Principal of the brand strategy firm Chromium, based in San Francisco. He is also Chief Architect of CulturePulse, a mobile app for assessing corporate culture. He may be reached at
Mergers and acquisitions in the insurance industry are up, both in number and size of deals. A.M. Best, Conning, Reagan Consulting, the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Mercer ...
The first principle of getting culture right is to put a brand strategy in place—a vision which can then guide the selection of core values. But what does a thoughtful brand strategy framework look ...
When Howard Schultz embarked on a brand refresh for Starbucks a few years ago, he didn't make a high-profile change to the logo—he closed all outlets for a few hours so he could coach managers on ...
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