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Content from Stephen Lathrope
Stephen Lathrope is the Senior Vice President for Solutions at ICEYE, the microsatellite manufacturer and catastrophe monitoring company. He works with leading insurers, reinsurers, brokers and MGAs to help them drive value from the business application of ICEYE’s Earth observation, natural catastrophe analysis and persistent monitoring capabilities. Before joining ICEYE, Lathrope was group CEO at SSP, a software business in the UK. Previously, Lathrope spent 20 years with Accenture. As a partner in the firm’s financial services practice, he led the insurance industry program in the UK. He was responsible for sales and delivery for leading the UK and international insurers. He also led the UK Financial Services strategic deal origination team.
The integration of new technologies into the claims ecosystem is gathering pace as insurance and reinsurance organizations seek to enhance both the speed and accuracy of payments. One example is the ...
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