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Content from Sharmila Ray
Sharmila Ray is the Head of Carrier Strategy at Vertafore, an insurance software company, with responsibility for the direction and delivery of Vertafore’s carrier product portfolio. Before Vertafore, she was a management consultant with McKinsey and Company in Boston for 12 years. At McKinsey, she served the insurance industry across property/casualty, health and life insurance carriers and distributors on a range of topics, with special focus on driving growth through sales and marketing. She is a published author of several articles that discuss consumer needs and behaviors in the retail and commercial property/casualty and life insurance markets.
Over the past five years, InsurTech investment has fueled a significant uptick in the availability of InsurTech solutions looking to streamline inefficient processes. Independent agents who are ...
There's been a huge surge in software development aimed at improving efficiency across the insurance value chain. In fact, InsurTech is now a half-billion-dollar industry, expected to top $1.1 ...
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