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Content from Peter Sousounis
Peter Sousounis, Ph.D., is vice president and director of climate change research at Verisk. His current responsibilities include ensuring that current and future catastrophe model development at Verisk accounts for climate change, identifying products and tools to help clients address their climate change concerns, assisting with global resilience projects, and providing thought leadership in various forms of oral and written communication.
If you think the weather these days feels like a seesaw, you're not alone. Consider the following: In Colorado last year, a prolonged spell of unusually warm, dry conditions and one of the deadliest ...
Catastrophe models are designed to help risk managers in different industries understand the probability of occurrence of extreme events, typically for the next several years. But the time horizon ...
It has become increasingly common for the general media to say that weather-related disasters have been caused by climate change. Such headlines have largely been frowned upon by the scientific ...
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