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Content from Melissa Boudreau
Melissa Boudreau is the Vice President of Modeling and Chief Actuary at Praedicat.
Estimates of the size of COVID-19's impact on the insurance industry vary widely, but some companies (including Chubb and Willis Re) have suggested that, considering both asset and liability losses, ...
Until recently, there was a relative lull in new mass tort events in the United States. This led to a sense among insurers that mass litigation was no longer the looming threat that it was in the ...
Opioids litigation, with over 2,000 cases brought by state and local governments against dozens of defendants including opioids manufacturers, retailers and distributors, is being closely watched by ...
Over the last 30 years, natural catastrophe modeling has transformed property insurance. When Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida in August 1992, seven domestic insurance companies and one foreign ...
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